We anticipated a battle, but we didn’t expect a war!
In one corner, a returning star in Erika Reid, ready to add to her impressive reputation; in the other corner, a rapidly rising star in Aysha, not long after making her own MCW return.
At Fight to Survive, the battlelines were clearly drawn – Erika was the returning hero, while Aysha did whatever she could to rile up the sold-out crowd in the Thornbury Theatre.
It was a back-and-forth fight that unfortunately we didn’t get a clear winner in, with both women getting counted out of the ring, as they ended up fighting in the crowd.
Even MCW General Manager Rocky Menero come out to try to calm things down.
The crowd shouted to let them fight, and at End Game, Rocky has said that’s what we’re going to do.
At End Game, it’ll be Erika Reid vs Aysha II – and this time, the war is going to be even more intense than before as two of the very best female wrestlers in the country battle once more!
This is going to be a second chapter that we can’t wait to witness!
MCW End Game is live from the Thornbury Theatre at the special time of 3pm, Sunday 10th December.
Tickets are on sale NOW at MCWTix.com.au
This event is suitable for all ages.